The 2022 Annual Reception is a perfect occasion for you to meet and mingle with old and new friends, as well as to appreciate our efforts in environmental protection over the year. It is jointly organised by Hong Kong Green Strategy Alliance (HKGSA) and Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA), with Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) as co-organiser, the Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Companies Limited (HAESCO), the Hong Kong Bio- & Eco-Energy Industry Association (HKBEE), Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Environmental Division (HKIE-EVD), Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Ltd (HKIQEP) and Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA) as supporting organisations.
This year, we are honoured to have the presence of Mr TSE Chin-wan, BBS, JP, Secretary for Environment and Ecology of the HKSAR Government to be our Guest of Honour of the event. Enrol now to learn Green Initiative Updates from the industry!