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Green member - banner

Pledge: Our company is pleased to join ESG One community as the Green Member. We pledge to foster awareness and create a well-balanced ecosystem in ESG. Let's generate sustainable growth and value chain within the ESG One ecosystem! 

Start Your Journey to Join ESG One

Step 1: Register as Green Member and fill in this form

Step 2: After registration, you will receive an confirmation email and be directed to conduct the *Fast Track Version  / Full Version "ESG Self-Assessment" and obtain "ESG One Scorecard" for evaluating on your ESG performance and impacts

Step 3: Get e-Badge to show your green pledge on your promotional materials

Step 4: List your logo on Green Directory on ESG One website

Step 5: Gain extra brand exposure with your logo presence in related ESG One event, promotional materials

Mandatory fields are marked with asterisk *